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Can You Request For Reconsideration Of Your Visa Application?

Can You Request For Reconsideration Of Your Visa Application?

Visa refusals can be a disheartening experience. Understanding reasons for refusal can help in turning this setback into a successful outcome. If your visa application is refused, then this blog is for you! This blog will guide you how to overcome the daunting experience of a visa refusal. 

What Is A Refusal?

Refusal of visa means that your visa application has either failed to satisfy the immigration authorities or it has not been filed properly. It is always mentioned in the refusal letter why your application has been rejected. Overcoming a visa refusal could be easier to tackle if one takes notes of the reasons of refusal from the refusal letter.

Sometimes, a visa can be rejected after the applicant is being interviewed. Few reasons for refusal can include; criminal record, insufficient evidence, inability to satisfy the immigration officer, inadmissibility as mentioned in the statute, misrepresentation, etc.

Reconsideration is basically a reevaluation of your visa application where you request the immigration officer to reconsider your application and see if there’s any possibility of the application being accepted. Applying for a reconsideration of a visa application is cost-free. This is your chance to have your application reviewed. A request for reconsideration can be filed for a Temporary Resident visa and Permanent Resident application.

Reconsideration Of An Application Is A Discretionary Process

It is essential to note that reconsideration does not guarantee an approval of your refused visa application. It is usually officer’s discretion to evaluate the reconsideration request on its own merits. However, it is mandatory for an immigration officer to re-assess the visa application if its submitted for reconsideration.

If your visa application is refused, you need to file a request for reconsideration to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship (IRCC) within 30 days of receiving the refusal letter. While filing a request for reconsideration, one needs to file additional evidentiary documents as the onus completely lies on the applicant. Additional explanations to the officer’s concerns outlined in the initial refusal letter can cover up for previous deficiencies in the visa application.

For a refused visa application to be reconsidered, there should be some procedural error or error of law. Applicant’s mere dissatisfaction over the refusal of visa application does not make the him/her qualified for the reconsideration of application.

After the acceptance of reconsideration request, the visa application is reopened. There is no such fixed timeframe for this entire process to be concluded. Every case can vary depending upon the circumstances of each case.

We Can Guide You!

Crafting a compelling reconsideration request can greatly strengthen your case. If you require any assistance regarding your visa refusal, the lawyers at Ayaz Mehdi professional Corporation can walk you through the process tailored to your specific situation.

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