What Is A Parole? Parole is a supervised conditional release from prison. A parole officer from the Correctional Service of Canada will supervise the offender while they are out in the community on parole. The Parole Board of Canada (PBC) has the legal authority under the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA) to review parole...Read More
“R. v. J.A. Has Smashed All Blurred Notions Of Implied Consent, Advance Consent Or Continuous Consent In Sexual Assault Matters” The right to consent is always at the forefront in terms of sexual assault matters. At the very outset, sexual activity without express consent amounts to sexual assault. Over the past few years, Canadian Sexual...Read More
The laws on domestic violence in Canada vary across provinces and as of now there is no particular legislation on domestic violence. However, this does not imply that the offence of domestic violence has no legal consequences. What Is Domestic Violence? Domestic violence means when you are being abused physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually, or economically...Read More
The Law, now, imposes a criminal liability to those who used to get away with sexual assault and violence cases by invoking the ground of self-induced intoxication. The defense of Self-induced extreme intoxication will no longer render the accused innocent. Previously, being intoxicated at the time of an act of violence was a legal defense...Read More