Dealing with children after divorce or separation is one of most common issues that separating couples face. This issue gets more complex when either of the spouse is moving or relocating to a different place. Typically, child’s relocation messes up with scheduled parenting plan which means that the it becomes difficult for the other parent...Read More
Careless driving is a traffic offence defined under section 130 of the Highway Traffic Act Ontario. Careless driving is a blanket charge as it encompasses a wide range of actions including but not limited to: distracted driving, over speeding on the roads, tailgating, accidents, and ignorance of traffic rules. A person is charged for the...Read More
Divorces can be tough on couples as well as on the children of the marriage. The psychological and financial trauma it brings to couple’s life and their children can take a significant period to fade away. Oftentimes, the decision-making and parenting responsibility is disputed between parents in cases of divorce or separation. This blog article is...Read More